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Shareables: Where In The World Are Your Grains Going?

U.S. feed grains saw a near-record level of exports in the 2015/2016 marketing year - a story that's critical to tell in farm country and easier to communicate with a new set of infographics available from the U.S. Grains Council (USGC). 
In the last corn marketing year, which ran from September 2015 to August 2016, the top overseas customers of U.S. corn were Mexico, Japan, Colombia, South Korea and Peru, respectively. In the previous marketing year, Japan was the top U.S. corn destination, with Mexico ranking second.
U.S. sorghum shipments last marketing year were again led by shipments to China followed by Mexico, Pakistan, Sudan and South Africa, respectively. In the 2014/2015 marketing year, Sudan ranked second followed by Kenya, Japan and Ethopia. 
Based on the barley marketing year, June to May, the top five destinations for U.S. barley were Mexico, Canada, Japan, Morocco and Taiwan, respectively. In the previous marketing year, Japan was the largest U.S. barley market followed by Canada, Taiwan and Morocco. 
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