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‘Shelly’ Wheat Is Newest University Of Minnesota Release

"Shelly" is the newest wheat variety developed by the University of Minnesota and dates for touring demonstration plots have been announced. Released in January, 2016, Shelly is a high-yielding spring wheat variety well suited for much of the spring wheat-growing region.

In state trials it yielded equal to the popular varieties "Faller" and "Prosper," but with slightly better protein. The heading date of Shelly is similar to Faller. It possesses a good disease-resistance package with moderate resistance to scab, leaf rust and bacterial leaf streak. It also has an excellent rating for resistance to stripe and stem rust. Shelly is slightly shorter than Faller and has similar straw strength. It has good test weight and pre-harvest sprouting resistance.

Shelley wheat

"Shelly" wheat is the newest variety from the University of Minnesota's hard red spring wheat breeding program.

"Shelly is a nice compliment in the strong University of Minnesota line-up of HRSW cultivars and replaces Norden in the top yield segment," says Jochum Wiersma, University of Minnesota Extension agronomist. "It is a strong contender to replace both Faller and its sister line Prosper, which together have accounted for roughly a third of Minnesota’s wheat acreage in recent years."

The new release is named after the town of Shelly, Minn. , which is on the west side of Norman County, near the Red River and in prime wheat growing country. Shelly is home to the Red River History Museum, located in Shelly's 1930s Art Deco school and run by the Norman County Historical Society.

Shelly plantings can be previewed July 20 during field days at the University's Northwest Research and Outreach Center (NWROC), Crookston. Plots of Shelly and competing varieties are also at on-farm trials at the following Minnesota sites, with two-hour tours scheduled for five of the sites on the days listed. University of Minnesota experts will provide information relevant to the current growing season and answer questions. Bring samples from your fields for diagnosis and discussion.

  •     Fergus Falls, July 11, 5:00 pm (GPS: 46.10905, -96.16348)
  •     Oklee, July 13, 9:00 am (GPS: 47.77900, -95.85937)
  •     Hallock, July 14, 10:00 am (GPS: 48.80338, -96.95134)
  •     Strathcona, July 14, 1:00 pm (GPS: 48.57472, -96.21701)
  •     Crookston, NWROC, July 20 (details at:
  •     Benson (GPS: 45.39812, -95.52183)
  •     Kimball (GPS: 45.40032, -94.32251)
  •     LeCenter (GPS: 44.45676, -93.66927)

Shelly joins several other recent University of Minnesota spring wheat varieties; Bolles (2015), Linkert (2013), and Rollag (2011). They offer growers a good combination of strong characteristics and perform well across the upper Midwest.

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