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Due to the ongoing risk of Japanese encephalitis virus emergence in the US, the Swine Health Information Center funded a systematic literature review intended to increase understanding of the virus’s biology, components and dynamics of transmission, and environmental factors necessary for incursion and establishment. The recently completed systematic review is in addition to a separate JEV Risk Assessment funded by SHIC that is still in progress. As the US is considered a susceptible region with potential for the introduction of JEV, SHIC has focused on these projects designed to further strengthen US swine industry preparedness and inform response efforts, should they be needed.

Led by Dr. Natalia Cernicchiaro, Kansas State University, and in collaboration with researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture National Bio and Agro-Defense facility and the National Feral Swine Damage Management Program, the study synthesized existing information on the role of domestic and feral swine in the transmission of JEV through a systematic review of 228 articles deemed relevant in a process designed to identify knowledge gaps.

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