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SHIC Introduces New Swine Disease Reporting System PCR Dashboard

The Swine Health Information Center has introduced a new tool to help pork producers and veterinarians track eight different key swine disease causing pathogens.As part of its May domestic swine disease surveillance report, the Swine Health Information Center has unveiled its new Swine Disease Reporting System PCR dashboard.

The new dashboard, which was funded by a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant, is a compilation of all of the PCR data for the eight pathogens monitored by the project.SHIC Associate Director Dr. Lisa Becton says this dashboard is a really exciting addition.

Quote-Dr. Lisa Becton-Swine Health Information Center:

It provides a visual way to detect trends of eight different pathogens of concern and those are covering some of the main ones that we see in swine production.The goal is really to assist producers making informed decisions as they look to manage their herd health and not just in their particular region or state but across the U.S.

Since we've had discussions about different disease eradication or elimination efforts, this will also help to provide a more visual way to look at case submissions, look at the states where activity is occurring and also look by age groups and sample types submitted.I think this is going to have a wide range of use.

Obviously producers and veterinarians are probably going to be the primary users of this.But, since it's a publicly accessible site, other researchers, other folks in the animal health industry, even regulatory folks may be looking at this just to understand what's going on in the swine industry and see a snapshot of disease challenges that we're facing.

I think this is really going to be a good way to continue to monitor trends across different diseases and age groups but also see what activity is going on state by state.

The Swine Disease Reporting System PCR dashboard can be accessed through the Swine Health Information Center web site at
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.

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Video: Back On The Fields | Cutting Alfalfa Hay| Crop Talk

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