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Should I split apply nitrogen in winter wheat?

Depending on the year and field conditions, you might get a yield bump from a split application of nitrogen (N) on your winter wheat crop. We’ve looked at a few different factors that might impact your N application decision.

The simple answer

Well, sometimes the simple answer is…it depends. When you are looking at the pros and cons of split applications in winter wheat, here are a few factors to consider.

A little more information

When planning your N management strategy, there are several factors to consider for maximum returns including crop development stage, variety and field-specific characteristics. In some years, split N applications may provide little or no benefit to yield compared to a single application. This chart compares wheat yields over a three-year period using a single N application (green) and split N applications (blue and red). Each application – whether single or split – was made at a specific crop development stage, that was not consistent year to year because of varying weather conditions.

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