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Slower Spread of Clubroot in Saskatchewan in 2021

There was a slower pace of clubroot spread across Saskatchewan this past year.

Released Monday, the latest annual Saskatchewan clubroot Distribution Map showed that visible symptoms of the disease have now been confirmed in 80 commercial canola fields since 2017, an increase of just five fields from the previous year. In 2020, the number of fields showing visible symptoms jumped by 24 from a year earlier.

Meanwhile, the number of fields where clubroot pathogen DNA was detected in soil samples (but with no visible symptoms) increased by nine in 2021, for a total of 38 fields in the province. In 2020, the number of affected fields without symptoms climbed by 18.

"The Ministry of Agriculture is dedicated to early detection, tracking and managing clubroot," Agriculture Minister David Marit said. "This protects our producers, landowners and our strong canola market."

Clubroot is a pest under provincial legislation and can cause major yield loss if left unmanaged. The disease produces club-like galls at canola roots.

Over 750 fields in 200 rural municipalities in Saskatchewan were examined during the province’s 2021 clubroot survey. The landowners of all fields with visible clubroot symptoms or fields with the presence of the pathogen DNA have been contacted. The locations of these fields have also been shared with the appropriate municipal office if they have enacted a clubroot-specific bylaw and visible symptoms were present.

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