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So Far, So Good: WI Soy Farmers Continue Planting Progress

Take a drive across Wisconsin and the green blur of soybean plants poking out of the ground will fly by the windows. 

Wisconsin Soybean Association (WSA) Vice President Doug Rebout wrapped up planting two weeks ago and is now enjoying watching the seeds become plants. 

“Everything went really well,” said Rebout, who farms near Janesville. “We had a few rains, which were great to get, but other than that, everything went really smoothly.” 

Now, Rebout is patiently waiting to take the next steps in the 2024 growing season. 

“We’re just waiting for the rest to pop up,” Rebout said. “Then, we’ll have to go out and do a little spot spraying where we are getting some weeds here and there. Other than that, everything’s looking good.” 

WSA President Sara Stelter, who farms near Wautoma, also has all her irrigated soybeans in the ground. 

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Accuracy in testing for DON

Video: Accuracy in testing for DON

Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin naturally produced by the fungus that causes Gibberella ear rot in corn. Infection occurs through the corn silk channel when ideal temperatures (approx. 27°C) and higher humidity are present. Cool wet conditions after pollination favour continual disease development and determines the level of infection. Effective sampling, detection, and quantification of DON are challenging due to its uneven distribution on the ear as well as its presence across the field, resulting in infected and non-infected kernels in the same grain sample.