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South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic, Trade Show Set Oct. 23 In Brenham

The 44th annual South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic and Trade Show will be held Oct. 23 at the Washington County Fairgrounds Sales Facility, 1305 East Blue Bell Road, in Brenham.  
Cost is $20 and registration will be from 7:30-8 a.m.
“All area producers are encouraged to attend to receive information that will help them make sound management decisions in their beef cattle operations,” said Kara Matheney, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agent for Washington County.
The 44th annual South Central Texas Cow-Calf Clinic and Trade Show will be held Oct. 23 at the Washington County Fairgrounds Sales Facility in Brenham. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo by Blair Fannin)
The program is organized by AgriLife Extension Beef and Forage committees from Austin, Brazos, Burleson, Fayette, Grimes, Harris, Lee, Waller and Washington counties.
Dr. Jason Cleere, AgriLife Extension Service beef cattle specialist, College Station, and Doug Pierce, Blinn College division chair for agriculture, Brenham, will lead the morning session with a presentation and demonstration on bull selection and evaluation, using a variety of breeds to look at.
Following the live cattle demonstration, there will be hands-on activities including judging a class of bulls, visiting with trade show sponsors, and viewing the display of cattle from area producers.
“In addition to the hands-on activities, topics including the economics of bull development, internal and external parasite control for cattle, and bull breeding soundness exams will be covered throughout the day,” Matheney said.
“For the second year in a row, the Washington County Beef and Forage Committee in conjunction with Texas Farm Credit have purchased a commercial heifer at the Washington County Fair and will draw for her as the grand door prize at the end of the day. Participants must be registered for the entire day and must be present to win. Be sure to get your registration ticket for this great door prize.”   
Matheney said after the meeting a social hour sponsored by Mike Hopkins Distributing will be held and participants can enjoy beer-battered beef tips.
Cow-calf clinic participants who hold a private, commercial or non-commercial pesticide applicators license will receive one hour of Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education in the integrated pest management category and one hour in general. Beef cattle producers certified under the Texas Beef Quality Producer Program will receive beef quality credits for attending the clinic.
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