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Southern Plains Quality Ratings Mixed, Sorghum And Corn Harvest Fully Underway In Texas

Historic rains during late spring and early summer virtually eliminated the drought that plagued Oklahoma for much of the past five years. Rainfall totals by the end of July were recorded at 32.91 inches since March 1st. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Monday reported the state's corn crop rated 63 percent good to excellent condition, down one point from last week. Corn doughing reached 50 percent, down 28 points from average. Soybeans rated 56 percent good to excellent, unchanged from last week. The state's cotton crop rated 77 percent good to excellent, up three points since last week. Cotton settling bolls reached 62 percent, up 12 points from normal. Sorghum rated 79 percent good to excellent, down one point from last week. Sorghum headed reached 63 percent with coloring at 21 percent. The peanut crop rated 83 percent good to excellent. Click here for the full Oklahoma report.
Southern Plains Quality Ratings Mixed, Sorghum and Corn Harvest Fully Underway in Texas
Sorghum and corn harvest was in full swing in Texas. USDA reports 33 percent of the sorghum crop has been harvested. That remains behind last year’s 45 and the five-year average of 47 percent harvested by this time. Corn harvest progressed to 23 percent. That’s ahead of last year but behind the average of 31. USDA reports 57 percent of the state’s corn crop was in good to excellent condition, soybeans rated 45 percent good to excellent, down two points since last week. Cotton rated 48 percent good to excellent, down one point from last week. Pasture and range conditions rated 42 percent good to excellent, down ten points from last week. Click here for the full Texas report.
Crops in Kansas showed some improvement over last week’s crop progress report. The Kansas corn crop rated 59 percent good to excellent, unchanged from last week. Dough was at 60 percent, near last year’s 64 percent, behind average of 67. The state's soybean crop rated 52 percent good to excellent, up two points from last week. Blooming was at 75 percent and setting pods was at 45 percent. Sorghum rated 68 percent good to excellent, up one point from last week. Sorghum headed reached 60 percent, which is ahead of last year’s 41 and average of 48. 
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