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Soy Check off Farmer-Leaders Approve Investments to Drive Demand for U.S. Soybeans

Soy Check off Farmer-Leaders Approve Investments to Drive Demand for U.S. Soybeans

By Paul Murphy-Spooner

The farmer-leaders of the United Soybean Board (USB) convened for its summer board meeting on July 26-27 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to approve a 2023 fiscal year budget of $123M for program work, starting Oct. 1, 2022. Spanning eight portfolios, these investments in research, education and promotion add value to U.S. soybeans with the goal to build resilience, differentiation and reputation. This portfolio ladders up to USB’s new vision of delivering sustainable soy solutions to every life, every day. 

“Our thinking, planning and work as a board has become a much more deliberate and idea-driven process, challenging our board members to think big. Each portfolio is farmer-directed and works together to create demand for U.S. soybeans across the entire global soy value chain,” said Ralph Lott, USB Chair and farmer from New York. “We’ve successfully shifted from project takers to portfolio makers, and the end result is more strategic thinking. The preference for U.S. soybeans grows while farmers continue to see strong ROI on their checkoff dollars.”

Investment portfolios are approved by the full board and consist of programs across Supply and Demand Action Teams driven by the three priority areas of 1) Innovation & Technology, 2) Health & Nutrition, and 3) Infrastructure & Connectivity. FY23 programs impact everything from improving production on the farm to expanding markets across animal agriculture, soyfoods and providing a renewable alternative for biofuels and nonfood uses. Some examples of these soy checkoff investments aim to:

  • Enhance soybean cropping system improvement that creates opportunities to reward and support farmers and other value chain participants, including the growth of high oleic soybean production to meet demand for specialty soybeans while providing a farmer premium. 
  • Further soy’s role in the evolving clean energy movement, with investments that support using soybean oil as a feedstock for biodiesel and renewable diesel in marine, rail and on-road applications. Biofuels are the largest industrial use for soybean oil and require investments to reach maximum potential. 
  • Develop nutrition and health research that distinguishes U.S. soybean meal’s value drivers (amino acids and energy), supports animal health, builds evidence that discerns U.S. soybean meal from the competition and strengthens key industry partnerships.
  • Encourage commodity partnerships to improve soil health, collaborating with National Corn Growers Association and National Pork Board to implement cover crops on 30 million acres of soybeans and corn by 2030, focused on meeting sustainability goals while improving farmer productivity. 
  • Grow exports in more than 80 countries through the U.S. Soybean Export Council’s strategy to differentiate U.S. soybeans in the global marketplace. USB also partners with the U.S. Meat Export Federation and the USA Poultry and Egg Export Council to promote exports of soy-fed meat, as well as the American Soybean Association’s World Initiative for Soy in Human Health to create long-term demand for U.S. soybeans in developing and emerging markets and improve food security.
  • Improve best management practices through partnerships that lead to faster, real-time dissemination of pest and disease research findings, such as developing a pesticide and fungicide calculation tool that helps farmers determine regional application thresholds to maximize yield potential. 
  • Increase focus on fertilizers and biologicals that support farmers and farming system resilience in an uncertain crop input market environment.
  • Reach key audiences to elevate the reputation of U.S. soybeans, expanding trust with consumers and helping them develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for how U.S. soybean farmers can deliver sustainable solutions for more than 1,000 renewable products on the market.

“Over the past year, we’ve changed the way we make investment decisions. The new Value Alignment Committee gives farmer-leaders more input in the types of programs the checkoff supports. Today marks the culmination of that new process,” said Meagan Kaiser, USB Vice Chair and farmer from Missouri. “This is a new, exciting direction, and we couldn’t be successful without our state and national farmer volunteers and checkoff partners who work diligently on behalf of the 515,000 U.S. soybean farmers. I also want to extend thanks to the Michigan Soybean Committee for hosting this memorable meeting and showcasing the diversity of Michigan agriculture.”

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USDA Drought Monitor and Crop Conditions
The latest USDA drought monitor report shows mixed conditions across the Corn Belt and High Plains. While areas like northwest Ohio and central Iowa saw improvements due to recent rains, southern Ohio and parts of Illinois experienced worsening drought conditions. The overall impact continues to be closely monitored, with rainfall patterns playing a critical role in crop development stages.

International Corn and Soybean Market Trends
The USDA's office in China has revised down its forecast for Chinese corn imports to 20 million metric tons due to a bumper domestic crop and increased imports of substitutes like barley. Meanwhile, US ethanol production has seen an uptick, reflecting slightly increased gasoline demand, which could influence corn markets given ethanol's significant corn usage.

US Crop Export Sales
Recent US crop export sales figures were disappointing, with corn sales falling significantly below expectations and soybean sales also at the lower end of forecasts. These trends highlight the challenges facing US exporters in the current global trade environment, where competition and domestic supply issues in importing countries can quickly alter demand dynamics.

Market Response and Future Outlook

The agricultural market is responding to these developments with caution, as traders and farmers alike navigate the complexities of weather impacts, international trade shifts, and domestic policy changes. The next few days will be crucial for assessing the full impact of the recent storms and adjusting market strategies accordingly.