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Soybean Growers 'Cautious' Heading Into 2019 Growing Season

Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG) held its Annual General Meeting this week in Winnipeg at the CropConnect Conference.

Outgoing Chair John Preun talked about the mood heading into this growing season.

"I think growers are a little cautious of the whole market thing because we have a little bit of a trade war going on with China and the United States and we fall right in the middle of it," he said. "Guys are a little cautious about what they want to grow and how much they want to grow. It affect our prices fairly significantly."

Preun is expecting to see a drop of about 100,000 soybean acres in the province this year.

"We've come off of two very, very dry years in the province and the beans haven't been the bright, shining star they once were. I think growers, who are traditional soybean growers, they're going to continue on growing beans because they see the value in growing them."

Calvin Penner of Elm Creek will be taking over the position of chair for MPSG. Also at the AGM, the organization honoured outgoing director Rick Vaags of Dugald, who joined the board back in 2011.

Source : Steinbachonline

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