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Soybean Harvest About Two Weeks Away

Manitoba's soybean harvest is quickly approaching.
Cassandra Tkachuk is a production specialist with Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG).
"Soybeans currently range from the R5 to R7 stages across Manitoba with some nearing the R8 stage," she said. "This means the more advanced soybeans are nearing maturity and are about two weeks away from harvest. Recent rains have benefited soybeans that were still at the R5 stage including those in the far northwest region, but for soybeans at the R6 or full seed stage and beyond, rain likely didn't provide any yield benefit. Although we are happy about the moisture replenishment."
She notes dry bean harvest is underway in some regions, while field pea harvest is nearing completion. Average yields for field pea are in the range of about 55 to 80 bushels per acre.
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