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Soybean Harvest Expected To Ramp Up This Week

Farmers will be focusing on the soybean harvest in the coming days.
The province's pulse specialist Dennis Lange talked about this year's crop.
"We've had some challenges through the year because of the dry weather we've had again this year. The crop generally looks OK but we did see some soybeans mature a little bit sooner than what we would normally like to see," he said. "Overall, I think we're still in pretty good shape for this year. Last year we were looking at an average of 32 bushels per acre across the province. I'm thinking this year, from what I've seen, we might be a little bit lower than that. Time will tell once we get into the first part of harvest."
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Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Video: Amending Clay Soil to Plant Climbing Roses

Today, I’m switching things up and planting roses! Normally, I’m in the vegetable garden talking about things like top dressing or soil amendments, but today, I wanted to show you another use for my favorite soil amendment, Soil³—perfect for amending my clay soil when planting trees and shrubs like these rose bushes.