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Soybeans continue to set and fill pods: Bean Report

Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG) says soybeans are continuing to set and fill pods.

MPSG Production Specialist Jennifer McCombe-Theroux gave us an update.

"Most fields ranging from the R4 stage, where pods are three quarters of an inch long at one of the top four nodes, to R5, the beginning seed stage. We are seeing and hearing of soybean aphids across the province, with some at spraying thresholds. Grasshoppers are also continuing to be a challenge in some fields and will need to continue to be monitored."

She also commented on field peas.

"They're ranging from the R4, the full pod stages, to R6, a mid-maturity staging. With some earlier planted fields getting closer to harvest at the R7 staging. This is where 75 to 80 per cent of the pods are golden brown in colour. We are seeing some yellowing of field peas due to saturated soils, resulting in root rots. It's a good idea to get these plants tested to understand which root rot it is."

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