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Soybeans reaching full maturity

The outlook for the province's soybean crop remains positive.

"We're into the late R6 to R7 growth stage right now," said Dennis Lange, pulse specialist with Manitoba Agriculture. "We've have had some good rainfall this summer and the potential for the soybeans look pretty good in most areas of the province."

He's hoping the frost stays away for at least the first half of September.

"The forecast for the next couple weeks sounds pretty good. The biggest thing to really focus on with the soybeans is once we hit R7, so that would be where you start to see some pod colour change, at least one brown pod on the plant, we start to see the leaf drop, by then a frost won't really do any serious damage to yield. If we get a frost earlier than that, if we're still in full R6, that's where the yield losses can start but even at R6, it's not as severe yield losses as what it would be as if it was earlier. I think if we get past the 15th of September, most of the soybeans should be in good shape to take a frost and we'll see what happens after that."

Lange also touched on the field pea harvest.

"We're starting to see peas come off. We're hearing some good numbers so far. Anywhere 50 to 60 bushels [per acre] seems to be pretty common and then you get the other numbers, that maybe a little bit further north, we're in the 70 to 80 and maybe even a little higher than that. Overall, quality is looking pretty good so far. We haven't had any rains through the harvest period to deteriorate the quality and for the most part everything's coming off in pretty good shape."

Manitoba Agriculture is reporting the field pea harvest at 55 per cent complete across the province.

Lange notes the dry bean harvest is just getting underway.

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