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Spotlight on: ALPINE G241-S™ Starter Fertilizer

Ken Brett, ALPINE’s Eastern Canada Sales Manager, met with Rachel Gingell of at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in September to discuss their new ALPINE G241-S™ Starter Fertilizer.

“This is an improvement over the standard ALPINE G24 that you’re familiar with.”

G241-S™ benefits from added sulphur. “As growers know across (Ontario), sulphur is increasingly not as plentiful in the soil anymore due to our cleaned-up atmosphere and less deposition from acid rain,” says Brett.

G241-S™ contains enough sulphur to get “higher yields off to a good start.”

ALPINE’s K-Tech, a unique soluble potassium formula, takes minimal moisture for root uptake, contains a plant metabolite, and feeds the soil’s mycorrhizal fungi.

This formula has been tested in Ontario for multiple years to ensure maximum profitability for farmers.

Brett says that farmers can expect an extra $12 of corn per acre.

“We wouldn’t be in business if farmers weren’t making money with our product.”

ALPINE G241-S™ Starter Fertilizer is available now.

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Video: Ag Policy Agenda

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