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Spotlighting Alberta’s agri-foods in Mexico

Alberta’s agriculture industry is a global leader, recognized for its high-quality products and innovative practices. Promoting Alberta's agriculture abroad is essential not only to showcase its strengths but also to attract foreign investment and build strategic partnerships to ensure a thriving agricultural sector that supports jobs and food security.

Minister Sigurdson will travel to Mexico to meet agri-businesses, government officials, industry leaders and investors to strengthen relations and expand investment and trade opportunities for Alberta’s agricultural industry. The trade mission will also include meetings with prospective buyers to profile Alberta as a trusted supplier of high-quality agri-food products and support Alberta companies participating in the Food Tech Summit and Expo in Mexico City.

“Alberta offers investors a welcoming business climate and abundant, high-quality agricultural raw materials at competitive prices, with easy access to export markets. This is an excellent opportunity for me to connect with Mexican leaders, investors and decision makers to discuss how we can grow and strengthen existing trade and investment relations. I’m excited to meet our partners in person to ensure Alberta’s ag businesses have access to market opportunities they need to expand and thrive.”

RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation
During meetings with investors, Minister Sigurdson will promote the advantages of establishing agri-processing operations in Alberta. These discussions will highlight Alberta’s commitment to red tape reduction, business-friendly policies, low taxes and access to incentives like the Agri-Processing Investment Tax Credit.

Mexico is a key agri-food trading partner with Alberta, with strong and long-standing relations built over 30 years. The State of Jalisco and Alberta have shared a close and valuable association for many years, with the signing of the sister-state agreement in 1999 and its renewal in 2022. This connection has led to collaboration and growth in value-added food processing, forestry, firefighting and student exchange programs.

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How women saved agricultural economics and other ideas for why diversity matters | Jill J. McCluskey

Video: How women saved agricultural economics and other ideas for why diversity matters | Jill J. McCluskey

Dr. Jill J. McCluskey, Regents Professor at Washington State University and Director of the School of Economic Science

Dr. McCluskey documents that women entered agricultural economics in significant numbers starting in the 1980s, and their ranks have increased over time. She argues that women have increased the relevance in the field of agricultural economics through their diverse interests, perspectives, and experiences. In their research, women have expanded the field's treatment of non-traditional topics such as food safety and nutrition and environmental and natural resource economics. In this sense, women saved the Agricultural Economics profession from a future as a specialty narrowly focused on agricultural production and markets. McCluskey will go on to discuss some of her own story and how it has shaped some of her thinking and research. She will present her research on dual-career couples in academia, promotional achievement of women in both Economics and Agricultural Economics, and work-life support programs.

The Daryl F. Kraft Lecture is arranged by the Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics, with the support of the Solomon Sinclair Farm Management Institute, and in cooperation with the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences.