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Spring Management of Ohio Winter Malting Barley

By Laura Lindsey
Management of Ohio Winter Malting Barley (including spring management) is now available online at: Keep in mind, this is a working document that will be updated as we learn more about winter malting barley management.
Ohio farmers need to carefully consider growing winter malting barley as it may not be suitable for all operations. Malt quality barley must meet several criteria to avoid being rejected by the malt facility- this risk may be too high for certain farmers since today there are no markets in Ohio for barley that does not meet the requirements for malt. Malting barley is not sold through traditional grain elevators like corn, soybean, and wheat, so contracts or agreements should be in place before planting. Special considerations for post-harvest handling include drying capability, grain cleaning, and delivering in totes (versus hopper trucks). Each farmer must understand the unique challenges of growing malt quality barley before contracting and purchasing seed.

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