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Spring Seeding with Seed Hawk a Success for Saskatchewan Grower

From Seed Hawk News,
Seeding is complete for Travis Borsa of Carrot River, SK thanks to the help of Seed Hawk’s 2016 Seeding System. Grand prize winner of Seed Hawk’s Seed & Succeed contest, Borsa won the use of the seeding system and the invaluable help of “Seth Hawkins”, aka Joel Bruce, a Seed Hawk staff in-field expert.
“Work was combined with a little bit of play this year as I tried out the 2016 Seeding System,” says Borsa. “I would describe my experience as satisfying. The system took some time to get used to, but I quickly got the hang of it and am impressed by the technology integration. Seeding is my favourite job on the farm and after using the Seed Hawk drill this year, it would be hard to go back to use any other drill.”
Borsa and his wife, Elsa and three children have been farming for more than 13 years, growing canola, wheat, and oats on their 6,200-acre farm in Carrot River, SK.
“It was a pleasure to work with Travis this spring, helping him complete his seeding and watching him work with the 2016 Seeding System,” says Pat Beaujot, Seed Hawk Founder and Director of Strategic Market Development. “We enjoyed impressing him with the easy-to-use technology and exceptional precision seed placement, made possible by our Patented Precision Openers. We learned a lot from his first-time experience with the equipment too, great information we’ll use to help other customers with their Seed Hawk experience.”
The Seed & Succeed contest personality “Seth Hawkins” was revealed to be Joel Bruce, a Seed Hawk in-field specialist who represents the expertise and support of the entire Seed Hawk team. “Travis picked up the Seed Hawk technology quickly and enjoyed trying it out,” says Bruce. “And I know he’ll be impressed with the early crop emergence, as a result of the precise seed and fertilizer placement.”
“Even emergence makes a difference in everything we do in the field for the rest of the year – it means everything will be sprayed and combined at the same maturity throughout the whole field,” says Borsa. “Our crop is already out of the ground and looking great; we’re off to a great start this year thanks to Seed Hawk.”
Seed Hawk is an evolutionary ag equipment manufacturer. As a partner within the Väderstad group of companies, Seed Hawk is part of a global business team focused on the continuous improvement of seeding, planting and tillage equipment. The Seed Hawk team is fuelled by a bold, entrepreneurial spirit and a strong drive to create innovative farming tools that improve grower profit.
Underneath the photos:
Travis Borsa and Pat Beaujot checking out seed and fertilizer placement.
Seed & Succeed contest personality “Seth Hawkins”, aka Seed Hawk in-field specialist, Joel Bruce 
Aerial Video of the Seed Hawk 800 Tank and XL Toolbar on Borsa Farms
Source : Seed Hawk

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