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Spring Storms Bring Much Needed Rainfall To Plains As Wheat Conditions Maintain Fair - Good Score

Spring Storms Bring Much Needed Rainfall to Plains as Wheat Conditions Maintain Fair - Good Score
According to the latest crop weather report, Oklahoma spring storms brought some rainfall to the Southeastern and East Central districts, as drought conditions continued to advance across the state last week. Drought conditions were rated 81 percent moderate, up 7 points from last week and 46 percent severe, up 5 points from last week. Topsoil and subsoil moisture conditions were rated mostly short to adequate. Winter wheat jointing reached 47 percent, down 1 point from normal. Canola blooming reached 29 percent, up 9 points from normal. To view the complete Oklahoma Crop Progress and Condition Report, click here.
In Kansas, large portions of the state received measurable rainfall, however much of the farmland remained drier than normal. Topsoil moisture rated 26 percent very short, 42 short, 31 adequate, and 1 surplus. Subsoil moisture rated 20 percent very short, 41 short, 39 adequate, and 0 surplus. Winter wheat condition rated 7 percent very poor, 18 poor, 37 fair, 36 good, and 2 excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 17 percent, behind 29 last year, and near the five-year average of 18. Corn planting was underway in southern counties and was 2 percent complete, equal to last year, and near 0 average. 
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