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Spring Wheat Planting Approaching 90% Done; Almost Two-Thirds Emerged

Almost 90% of the US spring wheat crop is now planted, with almost two-thirds emerged – both ahead of the five-year average pace.

Tuesday’s USDA crop progress showed the national spring wheat crop 88% planted as of Sunday, up from 79% the previous week and 7 points ahead of the average. The average pre-report trade guess was that planting would be around 91% done, making the news mildly supportive.

Meanwhile, 61% of the crop had emerged as of Sunday, compared to 43% a week earlier and 52% on average.

Planting in the largest production state of North Dakota was estimated at 84% complete as of Sunday, up from 71% a week earlier and ahead of 73% on average. Planting in Minnesota was 96% done, comfortably ahead of the average of 80%, while Montana planting gained 7 points on the week to 88% done, versus 87% on average.

Emergence is running at or ahead of the average pace in all the major production states. Emergence in North Dakota was 8 points ahead of normal at 48% as of Sunday.

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