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Starting or Expanding a Pig Farm in Manitoba

Preliminary general requirements

Size matters

  • 300 AUs or More: If you are expanding an existing operation to 300 Animal Units (AUs) or more, or, if you are proposing a new operation of 300 AUs or more, then you MUST go through Steps 1-10 as outlined in this Guide.
  • Less than 300 AUs: If your proposed operation is for LESS than 300 AUs, then you will not need a provincial technical review (Step 4). Note that for a feeder barn, you reach the 300 AU limit at about 2100 feeder pig places. See attached table: Animal Unit Calculations for Pigs within the Summary of the Main Manure Regulations in Manitoba, on page 32 in Appendix B.
  • It is important to note however, that some municipalities list livestock operations of less than 300 AUs as conditional uses under their zoning bylaws. In these cases, if your proposed operation’s size is above your municipality’s conditional use threshold, you will still have to go through a local conditional use public hearing and approval process, even though you do not have to go through the provincial technical review process.
  • Even if your proposed operation is for less than 300 AUs, if your proposed new pig barn is within 800 metres (about half-a-mile) of another pig barn under related ownership, the government will consider them as one unit, and will add the two barn’s AUs together.
  • If your proposed new or expanded pig operation is to be part of a multi-species operation, the government will calculate the total number of AUs based on all species of animals you may have, such as chickens or dairy, along with your proposed number of pig AUs.

Click Here for Detail

Source: ManitobaPork

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