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Statement from Mark McHargue, President, Regarding Reopening of Rail Crossings at Southern Border

“Today’s announced reopening of the rail border crossings at El Paso and Eagle Pass, Texas is certainly welcomed news. At the same time, the loss of millions of dollars in economic activity due to the crisis at our southern border should serve as a wake-up call to those currently in negotiations to address this longstanding problem. Our nation’s border security, immigration, and labor policies are in desperate need of reform, and it is high time for leaders in both parties to address these critical issues. In the future, we call upon the Biden administration to allocate the resources necessary to secure our nation’s southern border before costing our nation’s agricultural and overall economy millions of dollars. We want to thank Nebraska’s Congressional Delegation for their tireless work in reopening these vital crossings.”

The Nebraska Farm Bureau is a grassroots, state-wide organization dedicated to supporting farm and ranch families and working for the benefit of all Nebraskans through a wide variety of educational, service, and advocacy efforts.

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How to Create a TRULY Resilient Farm

Video: How to Create a TRULY Resilient Farm

Today we are talking about how to create a resilient farm---resilient through weather, ecomonic and social shifts.