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Stepped Up Transport Biosecurity Critical Heading into Fall

The Manager of the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network is advising pork producers to pay particularly close attention to transport biosecurity heading into the fall.The Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network swine disease surveillance report for the second quarter of 2022 indicates, while the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea outbreak in Manitoba is being brought under control, manure storages on affected farms will still be contaminated and will pose a risk and the report highlights concerns related to Seneca Valley virus.

Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network Manager Dr. Jette Christensen says vehicles continue to pose a risk.

Clip-Dr. Jette Christensen-Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network:

I'm sorry to say it again and again but really the situation right now with Seneca Valley virus suspected on assembly yards, with PED and a lot of contaminated manure storages highlights that coming into the fall extra care really should be taken with any vehicle coming back from high traffic facilities such as assembly yards and slaughter plants.That's one.

And the other one is, when the manure starts to be spread in Manitoba you really have to be careful because there's a lot of manure storages that might be contaminated and pose a risk for spread of PED in the fall.If you see blisters on the skin, you really have to be vigilant and call your vet because we do not want Seneca Valley virus to spread in our herds.

Same goes for misscoloring of the skin.If you see that call your vet.It could be ASF, or at least, you should have rule-out ASF testing.

Dr. Christensen notes in response to the presence of Seneca Valley virus at assembly yards CWSHIN has developed a Freedom from Blister model that may provide one piece of evidence to support freedom from Foot and Mouth Disease.

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