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Stevermer Family Named a 2024 Farm Family of the Year in Minnesota

Dale and Lori Stevermer, pork producers from Easton, Minn., were named a 2024 Farm Family of the Year by the University of Minnesota and IDEAg Group at Farmfest! in Morgan, Minn.

Honored farm families are chosen, one per county, by local University of Minnesota Extension committees based on their demonstrated commitment to their communities and to enhancing and supporting agriculture. The Stevermers were recognized for their unwavering dedication and advocacy for America’s pork producers.

Trails End Farm was started in 1916 by Dale’s grandparents, Ed and Elizabeth Stevermer. They had a diversified farm selling purebred Chester White hogs and Milking Shorthorn cattle. Trails End Farm has adapted from a farrow-to-finish operation to its current business as a 2,000-head finishing operation. The family also farms 450 acres of corn and seed soybeans.

Lori currently serves as president of the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). While at Farmfest!, she also participated in a forum discussing the next farm bill. Hosted by Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN), a member of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry, the panel also included representatives from state and national farm groups.

When asked about fixing California Prop. 12, Sen. Smith said, “… I hear from pork producers all the time, and I can get how you can resent somebody who’s never been on a pork facility how to safely and healthfully how to raise your livestock … I and my office have been working with National Pork [sic] and other producers to try to figure out a path forward to find something that would pass in the Senate and pass in the House as well so that we can move past this uncertainty ...”

This special award honord Minnesota farmers for their impactful contributions to agriculture and their local communities and has been around for 45 years now, NPPC shared in Capital Update.

"Being recognized for her efforts to support and advocate for the U.S. pork industry elevates the stature of NPPC President Lori Stevermer, making her a more powerful voice for pork producers when she talks with lawmakers in Congress and state legislatures, government representatives, and other industry leaders," NPPC said.

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