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Straight Hail Insurance purchase deadline moving to July 31

Producers will notice some changes to AFSC’s Straight Hail Insurance for the 2022 crop year.

Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) has moved the purchase deadline to July 31 and will no longer allow producers to insure fields that have already incurred hail damage in the current crop year. These changes move AFSC’s Straight Hail Insurance in line with other insurers.

Producers can purchase Straight Hail Insurance alone or they can auto-elect Straight Hail Insurance as part of their Annual Crop Insurance coverage until April 30. Producers who auto-elect Straight Hail Insurance with their annual coverage will receive a two per cent auto-elect discount.

Manage your insurance through AFSC Connect

Producers can create and save estimates, purchase coverage and report any hail claims through AFSC Connect. Producers who purchase online will receive a two per cent discount on their premium. Clients who pay by the later of June 25 or 15 days of after billing will receive the early payment discount of two per cent.

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