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Streamlining Sow Farming: David Klocke and the Founding of PigEasy

Farming, undeniably, is a profession that takes hard work. Passed down through families and generations, it’s a hands-on, dedicated skill to earn, but what if it could be made more efficient so that producers can spread that hard work out and receive more for their time? That idea is what motivates Dave Klocke, recipient of the Iowa Farm Bureau’s Distinguished Service Award, in his work as the founder of PigEasy, LLC®. Klocke is using research-based innovation to merge his family farm roots with technology to create a more efficient status quo for all pork producers.

Foundations in Farming
Klocke began his life on an Iowan family farm as the youngest son of his family and the sixth out of seven children. His father was mostly a livestock producer but grew crops to feed their family’s cattle and pigs. Klocke grew up following his father around the farm in part because of duty but also because, in his time, “There was no television, no internet. You could only do so much in the house, so you were quickly happy to go outside and do something a little more interesting.”

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