By Emmanuel Byamukama
Heavy development in some S.D. fields
Two winter wheat fields in Gregory county were found with severe stripe rust (Figures 1 and 2). Several fields scouted along highway 18 in Turner, Hutchinson, Douglas, Charles Mix, Gregory and Tripp were found with stripe rust at low severity.
Figure 1. Severe stripe rust on winter wheat in Gregory county. Notice the yellowing of leaves due to stripe rust.
Wheat is mostly between heading and flowering, a yield determinant growth stage. With the current wet weather conditions and more rain in the forecast, stripe rust may develop to reach severe levels.
Apply fungicides to protect and prevent
A fungicide application is recommended to protect the flag leaf from stripe rust and other fungal pathogens. Several fungicides on market are effective in controlling stripe rust. For a list see the recommended fungicides publication by the NCERA 184 working group.
Figure 2. A close up of a flag leaf with heavy stripe rust pustules.
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