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Strong Market Results in Strong Bull Sale in Springfield

There was a strong showing at the Southwest Missouri All Breeds Performance Test Bull Sale on March 25 at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center in Springfield, says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist.

There were 26 bulls that sold for an average price of $3,790 per bull. By breed, the 22 Angus bulls sold for an average price of $3,938 per bull. One Red Angus bull sold for $3,500, and three Hereford bulls sold for an average price of $2,800 per bull.

“The top-selling bull of the Angus breed and the sale was by a new consignor,” says Davis. The top-selling Angus bull was consigned by Hudson Angus Farm, Centralia, Mo., and was purchased by longtime buyers Richard and Janet Eck of Pierce City, Mo., for $6,000. The second-highest-selling Angus bull was provided by longtime consignors Beau’s Black Angus, Strafford, Mo., and was purchased by the Schnelle Partnership of Lockwood, Mo., for $5,200. The third-highest-selling Angus bull was provided by longtime consignor Blue Mound Angus, El Dorado Springs, Mo., and sold to Tom Fix of Carthage, Mo., for $5,100.

“Both Hereford bull consignors were new to the sale,” says Davis. The top-selling Hereford bull was consigned by Kaczmarek Cattle Co., Salem, Mo., and sold to 4 JR of Brighton, Mo., for $3,400. The other Hereford bull consignor, Storie Farms, Conway, Mo., sold one bull for $2,500 to Lucas Clemans, Taneyville, Mo.

“The Red Angus bull consignor was new to the sale,” says Davis. Sac River Land and Cattle, Springfield, Mo., had one Red Angus bull consignment that was sold to Barnitz Farm Inc. of Lake Spring, Mo., for $3,500.

This long-running sale was provided by the Southwest Missouri Beef Cattle Improvement Association. The association plans to have a fall bull sale Oct. 28, 2024. 

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