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Summer Crops Continue With Steady Progress as Pasture-Range Conditions Slide Again This Week

The US Department of Agriculture released Monday, July 23, 2018 its latest Crop Progress report according to which the US corn crop is denoted as being 81 percent complete in the silking stage, well above both last year’s 63 and the five-year average of 62 with corn dough at 18 percent complete nationally and a crop condition currently of 9 percent poor to very poor, 19 percent fair and 72 percent good to excellent, unchanged from the week before. In the meantime, the US soybean crop is 78 percent blooming, ahead of last year by 11 and the average by 15 points. Setting pods is at 44 percent this week, 17 points ahead of last year and 21 points ahead of the average. Soybean’s condition this week rates at 8 percent poor to very poor, 22 fair and 70 percent good to excellent.
Click or tap here to view the complete USDA Crop Progress report, released Monday, July 23, 2018.
Looking at our three-state region across the Southern Plains this week -
In Oklahoma, corn silk reached 72 percent, up 10 points from the previous year and just ahead of the average by 1. Corn dough reached 8 percent while the crop’s condition this week rates 5 percent poor to very poor, 16 fair and 79 good to excellent. Sorghum headed reached 40 percent, up 5 points from the previous year and 8 above the average. Sorghum coloring reached 11 percent, down 9 points from the previous year but up 4 points from normal. Sorghum’s condition this week rates 9 poor to very poor, 46 fair and 45 good to excellent. Soybeans blooming reached 39 percent, up 17 points from the previous year and 21 above the average. Soybeans setting pods reached 11 percent, unchanged from the previous year and 6 ahead of the average with a current condition of 11 poor to very poor, 38 fair and 51 good to excellent. Cotton squaring reached 70 percent, up 7 points from the previous year and 9 ahead of the average. Cotton setting bolls reached 30 percent, up 10 points from the previous year and up 8 points from normal. Cotton’s condition rates at 45 poor to very poor, 40 fair and 15 good to excellent. Conditions of pasture and range were rated at 25 poor to very poor, 38 fair and 37 good to excellent.
For the full Oklahoma Crop Progress report for this week, click here.
In Kansas, corn condition rated 7 percent very poor, 14 poor, 29 fair, 43 good, and 7 excellent. Corn silking was 83 percent, ahead of 70 last year and 71 for the five-year average. Dough was 34 percent, well ahead of 8 last year and 14 average. Soybean condition rated 4 percent very poor, 14 poor, 36 fair, 40 good, and 6 excellent. Soybeans blooming was 74 percent, ahead of 59 last year, and well ahead of 47 average. Setting pods was 30 percent, ahead of 14 last year and 11 average. Sorghum condition rated 1 percent very poor, 5 poor, 31 fair, 57 good, and 6 excellent. Sorghum headed was 21 percent, ahead of 10 last year and 11 average. Cotton condition rated 1 percent very poor, 3 poor, 33 fair, 51 good, and 12 excellent. Cotton squaring was 85 percent, well ahead of 41 last year and 49 average. Setting bolls was 11 percent, near 7 last year, and ahead of 6 average. Pasture and range conditions rated 10 percent very poor, 24 poor, 38 fair, 26 good, and 2 excellent.
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