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Surfing For Soybean Quality

Online Soybean Quality Toolbox shows farmers which varieties will produce high yield and quality 
There are plenty of varieties for soybean farmers to choose from. Should you choose the variety with the best yield? What about the one with the best protein and oil levels? 
Well, who says you can’t have it all?
Lots of existing soybean varieties will give you high protein, oil and yield – the trick is knowing where to find them. You can always ask your seed dealer or reference a free resource, called the Soybean Quality Toolbox, at
The Soybean Quality Toolbox is an online tool from the soy checkoff that shows how commercial soybean varieties performed in test plots across the soybean-producing region of the United States. It lists protein and oil content, along with yield, for each.
Protein, oil and yield all add up to determine how valuable that variety is to soybean farmers and their customers.
“As farmers, we always have to keep our yield in mind,” says Lewis Bainbridge, checkoff farmer-leader. “But if you’re selecting seed and two or three varieties you’re considering have similar yield ability, why not choose the variety with the highest protein and oil levels?
“That can lead to more demand for soybean meal, and higher demand leads to more profitability for us.”
While yield is certainly an important factor for farmers, it shouldn’t be the only factor considered when choosing a variety. Animal ag demands high-quality feed for their poultry and livestock. Soybeans with greater oil and protein content meet that demand and keep those important customers coming back for more.
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