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Survey on Digital Agriculture Technologies

By Kaiping Chen

If you have been working in the agricultural sector, we would like to invite you for participating in this 10-15 minute survey: You must be a US citizen or permanent resident to participate in this survey.

Once you complete the survey, the first 150 people will receive a $10 dollar Amazon Gift Card. Your participation is completely voluntary and we highly value your opinions. This survey is open until the cap is reached. Thank you so much for your support.

Aims of the Survey


  • In this survey, we will ask about your opinion on different agriculture technologies in crop production and agricultural management (e.g., soil and crop sensors, robotics, weather stations/forecast, agriculture decision support software and databases).
  • Your response will help us better understand how stakeholders perceive the benefits, costs, and concerns of the digital agriculture technologies. · If you have any questions for the survey, please contact:
  • We are a research team consisting of researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Kaiping Chen, Department of Life Sciences Communication & Jingyi Huang, Department of Soil Science). We are working on a research project that aims to understand how people working in the agriculture industry (e.g., growers, consultants, professional scientists, agricultural companies, extension specialists) perceive the benefits and risks of various digital agriculture technologies.
  • Our research will inform researchers and policymakers as well as people working at various agriculture sectors and companies about how to improve the design and deployment of current and future digital agriculture technologies.


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