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Swine Health Information Center Emphasizes Biosecurity and Biocontainment to Contain PRRS Lineage 1C Variant

The Swine Health Information Center is emphasising the importance of biosecurity and biocontainment to help contain the spread of the PRRS Lineage 1C variant.
The Swine Health Information Center's April domestic swine disease monitoring report, released as part of its monthly eNewsletter, highlights the continued detection of the PRRS virus Lineage 1C variant in the eastern U.S. states.
SHIC Associate Director Dr. Megan Niederwerder says we saw a similar detection of PRRS in March compared to February however there were state specific increases in PRRS detection in both Kansas and Ohio.

Clip-Dr. Megan Niederwerder-Swine Health Information Center:
We saw that the Lineage 1C variant continues to be detected in some of the eastern states as well as the midwestern states, including Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Oklahoma and Nebraska.
As the advisory group was reviewing this PRRS detection of Lineage 1C variant, they discussed that a potential risk factor for this variant being disseminated to eastern states could be associated with the different industry channels such as cull sow markets, moving animals as well as transportation or trucks coming back from packing plants.
They really emphasise the importance of biocontainment and bioexclusion practices when we're considering how we can reduce the risk of this lineage 1C variant from disseminating further and also really emphasised the importance of testing animals when they're moving, both when they are shipped as well as after placement, again to continue to monitor those animals, replacement gilts as well as movement of animals to understand the epidemiology or the detection of this new PRRS virus in your herd.

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