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Take Advantage Of The Situation

By John F. Grimes, 
OSU Extension Beef Coordinator
The beef industry is experiencing a truly unique economic situation at this time. Survey data indicates the nation's cow herd is in the midst of a documented expansion phase. This is a direct result of historically high prices for all classes of beef cattle and a lessening of drought conditions across much of the country. The outlook for beef cattle prices for the next several years remains very positive.
Depending on your situation, the current beef economic climate provides a unique opportunity for both buyers and sellers of breeding cattle. Both groups can take advantage of this situation by participating in the upcoming Ohio Cattlemen's Association third annual Replacement Female Sale on Friday evening, November 27. The sale will be held at the Muskingum Livestock facility in Zanesville and will start at 6:00 p.m.
The 2015 Ohio Cattlemen's Association Replacement Female Sale will provide an opportunity for both buyers and sellers to meet the need for quality replacements in the state. Consignments may include cow-calf pairs, bred cows and bred heifers. Females must be under the age of five as of January 1, 2016 and may be of registered or commercial background. Bred females must be bred to a bull with known EPD's and calves at side of cows must be sired by a bull with known EPD's. Pregnancy status must be verified by an accredited veterinarian through traditional palpation, ultrasound or by blood testing through a professional laboratory. Analysis must be performed within 60 days of sale. Consignments will also be fulfilling specific health requirements.
Last year buyers had the opportunity to appraise 88 lots of bred heifers, bred cows, and fall-calving pairs. The sale included 52 lots of bred heifers that averaged $2,557, 29 lots of bred cows that averaged $2,580, and seven fall-calving pairs which averaged $2,971. The 88 total lots grossed $228,600 for an overall average of $2,598. Prices ranged from $1,200 to $3,700. The females sold to buyers from Ohio and West Virginia. Col. Ron Kreis served as the auctioneer. The current demand for bred replacement females is excellent and expectations are for this trend to continue for the foreseeable future.
Consignments for the sale are due to the Ohio Cattlemen's Association by October 1, 2015. Sale information can be obtained by contacting the Ohio Cattlemen's Association at (614) 873-6736 or at their web site located at . If you have any questions about the sale, you can call me at my office at (740) 289-2071, Extension #242 or contact me by e-mail at Please consider this sale as an option for both buyers and sellers to help contribute to the improvement of Ohio's beef cow herd.

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