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Tar Spot In Corn Crops Discussed In Upcoming Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series

Tar spot lesions on a corn leaf. Photo by Martin Chilvers, MSU Extension.

Tar spot is an important topic when discussing diseases in corn production. Field crop producers will learn about the current state of tar spot in 2023 Michigan corn, what causes tar spot and key identifiers of tar spot by tuning in to the Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast Series on Thursday, July 20, at 7 a.m. This week’s Virtual Breakfast will feature Martin Chilvers, MSU associate professor, who will lead this discussion on tar spot. Jeff Andresen, MSU climatologist, will also join us for his latest weather outlook for the week.

The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast series will run every Thursday from March 30 through Sept. 21, 7 – 8 a.m. EDT live via Zoom

The Michigan State University Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast series will run every Thursday from March 30 through Sept. 21, 7 – 8 a.m. EDT live via Zoom. Farmers, agribusiness personnel and others interested in agriculture can interact with MSU Extension specialists and educators to get their questions answered. Michigan pesticide applicators can earn enough restricted use pesticide (RUP) credits during the season to recertify their credential. One RUP credit (1A, 1B, Comm or Private Core) and one continuing education unit (CEU) for Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) are available with each live session.

Each week features a 15-minute presentation on a timely topic from a MSU Extension specialist or educator followed by a 15-minute weather summary and forecast by MSU Extension state climatologist Jeff Andresen. Participants then receive information to apply for credits and can leave or stay for a Q&A session. In addition to the scheduled speakers, other MSU field crops specialists and educators are frequently part of the call and available to answer questions.

Participating is easy and free! You can join the live meeting via Zoom using a computer, tablet, mobile device or regular phone line. If you are new to Zoom, simply download the Zoom app and you will be ready to join online every week to see visuals shared by presenters. A phone-in option is also available for the audio portion only.

Participants must use a one-time signup to receive an email notification with instructions for joining the Virtual Breakfast as well as weekly reminders. Registrants can opt out at any time.

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