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Teaming Up to Help Bees

Bees, crucial to our ecosystem and food supply, are facing a crisis, and a partnership between Abell Pest Control and the University of Guelph is taking action to address their challenges, particularly from the destructive varroa mite.

Understanding the Varroa Mite Issue: The varroa mite might be tiny, but it's a major threat to honey bees. It weakens and can even kill these essential pollinators, putting our food production at risk. Bees play a vital role in plant pollination, which directly impacts our food supply.

A Collaborative Effort for Bee Welfare: Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Abell Pest Control launched the Bee'cause We Care initiative in 2017. This program encompasses various initiatives aimed at bee welfare, including providing safe habitats and financial support to students researching bee protection methods.

Empowering Students for Bee Protection: One such student, Alvaro De la Mora, received a scholarship from Abell to study bees. His focus is on identifying bee species that can combat the varroa mite effectively. His research holds the potential to provide valuable insights into maintaining bee health.

The Significance of Bees: Bees' critical role in pollination directly impacts food production. However, bees are struggling. We can contribute to their preservation through simple actions:

  • Plant Bee-Friendly Flowers: Grow flowers that bees love in your garden.
  • Avoid Harmful Chemicals: Refrain from using pesticides that harm bees.
  • Support Local Beekeepers: Purchase honey from local beekeepers.
  • Relocate Bees Safely: If you encounter bees in unfavorable locations, call experts to relocate them to safer environments.

Abell Pest Control and the University of Guelph are making significant strides to save bees. Their collaboration underscores the power of united efforts in safeguarding these invaluable pollinators. For more about Abell's bee-saving initiatives, visit

Source : Small Farm Canada

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