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Texas A&M University revitalizes beef herd

By Kaitlyn.Arnold
Texas A&M University is revitalizing its beef herd and Beef Research Center through a recent initiative with the Red Angus Association of America.
The university worked in conjunction with RAAA to solicit embryos of high genetic merit to build a herd of registered Red Angus females.
Once established, the Red Angus herd and the Beef Research Center will be used for teaching, research and demonstrations. Embryos for the initiative were chosen based on their genetic merit in calving ease, growth, maternal and carcass traits.
“We are excited about the partnership with RAAA and the breeders who have contributed to supplying genetics for this endeavor. To be an elite department of animal science, our goal is to generate a herd of elite cattle that will be used to showcase the latest in genetic tools for industry-changing selection and breeding, reproductive management advancements and nutritional management to enhance production efficiency. These efforts will have a positive impact on our students and stakeholders,” said Cliff Lamb, animal science department head at Texas A&M University.
Some embryos were implanted in December 2018 and additional embryos will be transplanted in the winter and spring of 2019. Recipient females are expected to start calving mid-September 2019.
Red Angus cattle are well-known for their maternal traits, growth efficiency and carcass merit, and will serve this initiative well by providing the university with a herd of high-quality females that will take the Beef Research Center to the next level of leadership. The red-colored hide is also beneficial in hotter climates, which helps adaptability in Texas and other southern states.
“We are excited to be a part of this endeavor with Texas A&M University and the development of a Red Angus herd at one of the top beef cattle teaching and research universities in the country. We believe the addition of Red Angus genetics to this institution is a landmark decision; one we are proud to support. We have been working with some great people at Texas A&M, and some of the finest Red Angus seedstock providers, to assist in getting this herd started out right. We are looking forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship,” said Gary Fike, director of commercial marketing for RAAA.

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