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Texas Cattle Raisers Support Proposed Change On Fever Tick Rule

The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) submitted comments to the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) in support of a proposed rule change relating to the dipping, treatment and vaccination of animals for cattle fever ticks.

“The Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association has been a strong proponent for more attainable cattle fever tick regulations,” said president Richard Thorpe. “Overly burdensome requirements are detrimental to ranching operations and eradication efforts. We commend TAHC for their progress on the issue.”

The proposed rule change will allow Designated Fever Tick Epidemiologists to approve less stringent treatment and inspection regulations. Permitting requirements that are more achievable for ranchers will allow them to better eradicate cattle fever while continuing to raise livestock in affected areas.

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Video: Lambs Coming FAST! Backwards Births & Space Running Out

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