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The Bottom-Line Benefits of Sustainability

In today’s economic environment it’s more important than ever to focus on business survival as a key element of all the management decisions you make, and this is true of efforts to make the farm more sustainable too.
As agriculture and society become more focused on sustainability, efforts that emphasize the bottom-line benefits of moving to more sustainable practices are on the rise. And, this week, that’s the focus of a special Learning Center session at this year’s Commodity Classic sponsored by National Corn Growers Association. 
So, join Shefali Mehta, executive director of soil and sustainability, NCGA; Nathan Fields, NCGA vice president of production and sustainability and Suzy Friedman, senior director of agricultural sustainability, Environmental Defense Fund on March 1 from 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. in room W208 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.
Fields says there is an emerging pathway to cleaner water, healthier soil and a potential income stream for farmers. Hear the latest on exciting sustainability opportunities available to you. Discover the latest models providing cash return to growers – and those returning invaluable research results to aid you in making key decisions for your operation.
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For State Rep. Fink and 15th Circuit Court Judge O’Grady, agriculture is the lifeblood of the communities they represent, whether that’s seed corn, dairy, soybeans, or hog production.