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The CNH Industrial Foundation partners with Feeding America to help communities in need

The CNH Industrial Foundation entered into partnership with Feeding America®, donating $300,000 to help communities in need. 
The contribution is aligned with CNH Industrial’s $2 million Solidarity Fund initiative, which supports local communities across the globe struggling with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The COVID-19 pandemic has already dramatically increased the number of people forced to seek food aid, and Feeding America estimates that ultimately, almost one in every six Americans could be facing food insecurity as the crisis continues. 
Feeding America is the largest domestic hunger-relief organization that also supports programs that prevent food waste. It annually rescues 3.5 billion pounds of food that would otherwise be wasted and helps provide it to people in need. Food loss occurs at every stage of the food supply chain, and an estimated 21% of U.S. landfill volume is food waste. 
“Over 80 percent of food banks are serving more people now than they did a year ago,” said Lauren Biedron, Vice President of Corporate Partnerships at Feeding America. “With the increased demand this year, we’re thankful for donations from partners like the CNH Industrial Foundation to help communities facing hunger get nourishing meals.”
“COVID-19 has sharply increased the number of American families facing food insecurity and we are proud to be able to support the vital work of Feeding America to help people in need,” said CNH Industrial Foundation President Brian French. “At the same time, we are contributing to reducing food waste and helping to create sustainable solutions that will benefit both the environment and our communities.” 


Source : CNH Industrial

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