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The future of Bill-234 in doubt with latest Senate vote

More disappointment for the agriculture sector as the bill that would amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act is now in jeopardy.

Bill C-234 sought to exempt propane and natural gas from carbon pricing for on-farm activities.

Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) executive director Kyle Larkin said this latest tactic is deeply disappointing.

“We look to the senate for sober second thought, but not to reject the will of the House of Commons,” Larkin said. “Members of Parliament from every political party passed C-234 in the House due to the fact that no viable alternatives exist for the use of propane and natural gas for on-farm activities.”

The amendment will see the bill go back to the House of Commons where its status is unclear.

Bill C-234 would give farmers an exemption from carbon pricing on propane and natural gas for farming processes such as drying grain and heating and cooling barns and growing structures. Larkin said the costs associated with innovation and current technology are substantial, and presently, there are no viable alternative fuel sources available.

“The spirit of carbon pricing is to encourage behavioural change,” Larkin said. “The amending of C-234 leaves farmers with this continued unjust taxation, impeding their ability to invest in technologies and practices that will help them meet our sustainability goals and global demand.”

Larkin said C-234 has been years in the making, while grain farmers across Canada have unfairly had to pay this tax without any way of avoiding it.

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