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The Seven Steps of Cleaning and Disinfection for Better Farm Biosecurity

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant challenges that producers face is the ever-present threat of pathogens. From endemic pathogens to foreign animal diseases, strong biosecurity procedures are critical in preventing the entry and spread of disease within agricultural settings. A key cornerstone of biosecurity is cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and equipment, to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms in the environment. Producers can maximize the efficacy of the cleaning and disinfection process by following seven simple steps:

Step 1: Dry Cleaning

Even the most effective disinfectant will not work properly in the presence of large amounts of dirt and debris; as such an important first step is to dry clean the premises to remove as much visible soil as possible. This may include feces, feed, litter, and any other dirt left behind once animals are removed from the area.

Step 2: Pre-Soak

Once visible soils have been removed, the next step is to soak surfaces in a detergent solution, in order to dissolve or suspend any residual soils that remain after dry cleaning. Ideally, a one-step disinfectant cleaner, formulated with surfactants, should be used for this process, for a few reasons:

·        To streamline protocols by eliminating the need for separate products to clean and disinfect

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