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The Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program Accepting Applications

The FY2015 VMLRP Request For Applications has been released and can be found on the NIFA website The VMLRP will pay up to $25,000 each year towards qualified educational loans of eligible veterinarians who agree to serve in a NIFA designated veterinarian shortage situations for a period of three years.

All applications must be received by JUNE 22, 2015 to be considered for an award.

NIFA will hold a webinar to review the application process and answer interested applicants’ questions on Wednesday May 13, 2015 at 2 PM (Eastern).

The RFA along with application forms, directions, webinar details, shortage areas and more can be found in the Applicants section of the VMLRP website

Any questions regarding the application process can be sent to

Source: AASV

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