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Third Annual FFA Summit To Feature Nationally-Recognized Agriculture Leaders

By Del Roth
The Haupert Institute for Agricultural Studies at Huntington University is pleased to announce the Third Annual FFA Leadership Summit on Friday, January 27. The FFA Leadership Summit is designed to bring together FFA members from across the region to discuss current agricultural topics and trends.
This year’s leadership summit features presentations from nationally-recognized leaders in agriculture Mr. Mark Poeschl, CEO, National FFA Organization and Foundation and Mr. Chuck Conner CEO, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives.
Poeschl, a former FFA member and past state FFA president from Nebraska, brings strong business, customer service, financial, IT and global perspectives to the National FFA Organization and Foundation. Poeschl is a 1983 graduate of University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poeschle has held various corporate positions at Carl S. Akey, Inc., North American Nutrition and Cargill Animal Nutrition. In addition, Poeschl assists in the oversight of a family farming operation in Nebraska. Posechl succeeded Dr. W. Dwight Armstrong as National FFA Organization and Foundation CEO in August of 2016.
Conner was named President and CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives in January 2009, and he brings more than 25 years’ experience in national and state government and agricultural trade associations to the position. Prior to joining NCFC, Conner served as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Conner’s experience also includes the assignment of Special Assistant to the President, Executive Office of the President, from October 2001 to May 2005. He is a graduate of Purdue University, with a Bachelor’s of Science degree.
The Summit’s attendees will have the option of going on a campus tour before the Welcome and first session starts at 10:30 a.m. Conner will present during the first session, a panel of regional farm families discussing faith and farming will be held during the luncheon session at 11:30 a.m. and Poeschl will address the Summit at the 12:15 p.m. concluding session. All attendees are invited to tour the Haupert Institute’s facilities and speak with current students, faculty and staff. As this is an FFA event, students are encouraged to wear official FFA dress. 

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