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This is the Future of Spore Sampling and Disease Forecasting

20/20 Seed Labs has been doing fantastic work in the molecular analysis of spore samples, providing farmers with timely information regarding potential diseases that could be present in the air sweeping across their fields.

Through spore sampling, disease pathogens like Sclerotinia and Fusarium can be detected early in the air. This process involves a stationary passive device that traps these spores as they are carried by air currents. Our molecular team analyzes the results within 24 hours of receiving the cartridge from the trap.

The decision of when to spray is extremely time sensitive, and spore traps can provide farmers with the crucial information they need to make well-informed agronomic decisions for their crops. Our aim is to deliver the results of our tests as quickly as possible, and we are constantly exploring methods to improve the sample shipment processes.

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Ag Policy Agenda

Video: Ag Policy Agenda

Today it has been a busy couple of weeks in our Nation's Capital as our government is switching administrations. That means a lot of new faces and policies to get acquainted with in the year ahead. We were joined earlier this week by Nebraska Extension Policy Specialist Brad Lubben to discuss how this new administration could shape future Ag policy.