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Three Things To Consider Before Buying Those Females To Add To Your Herd

By Robert Wells

For cattle producers looking to add females to their beef cattle herds, there are several things to consider before making that purchase, according to Robert Wells of the Noble Foundation. Farm Director Ron Hays had the opportunity to get his advice on what considerations he suggests producers make.

“First off, I want you to think about the health program of that female where you are buying her from,” Wells said. “Next you need to think about where you are buying her from.”

Wells says he highly discourages producers from buying females one-by-one from a weekly sale barn. He says in many cases you would just be buying someone else’s problem.

“Finally, you need to think about other issues like phenotype issues,” Wells said. “Is she going to fit my operation, does she have the right genetics for my environment, is she too big for the grass I have or her and the management I’m going to use for her?”

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