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Time to Get Those Western Bean Cutworm Traps Up!

If you haven’t done so already, it is time to put up western bean cutworm traps to monitor for moth activity. The GLMPMN usually has more WBC traps up and reporting by now to help us understand when adults are active and likely laying eggs in corn or dry beans across Ontario.  From the 100 or so traps up in Ontario, some traps have caught moths but traps are not widespread to understand any regional differences.

Those who still plan to put up traps, you can find the instructions for setting up WBC traps here including where to get supplies:

Those who already have traps up but haven’t entered trap data in yet, see the instructions tab on the GLMPMN:  You don’t have to use the Survey123 app this year to enter data. Just place a trap site on the map, give details about what pest the trap is monitoring and enter weekly trap data by clicking on your trap site each week.

Happy trapping everyone!

Source : Field Crop News

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