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Time To Scout For Potato Leafhopper

It is time to have your sweep net out and be scouting for potato leafhopper (PLH) in your alfalfa field. The recent rains have brought PLH into our region from the south where they overwinter. So, get that sweep net out and start checking to see if they are in your alfalfa fields. The piercing and sucking feeding of PLH means that their feeding isn’t obvious and damage (stunted plants and yellowing leaves) won’t show up until a few weeks after feeding. Consequently, scouting with a sweep net is the best method to determine when you need to spray.

IPM of PLH requires knowing the value of the silage or hay. Below is the updated threshold chart with higher values than in older charts.

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Seed Congress of the Americas coming next week!

Video: Seed Congress of the Americas coming next week!

One-on-One with Congress organizer Diego Risso, who walks us through why the Congress is a not-to-miss event.

The Seed Congress of the Americas is coming up September 30 to October 2 in Buenos Aires. Why should all parts of North America’s seed sector, from Canada in the north to Chile in the south, plan to be there? Seed World LATAM associate editor Elena Mansur sits down with Diego Risso, the executive director of the Congress’ host organization, the Seed Association of the Americas, to chat about Congress highlights.

Don't miss this exclusive preview of the Seed Congress of the Americas. Stay tuned to learn about: • What to expect at the Congress • How seed companies, sector innovators and decision-makers will benefit • Why coming together in person matters so much!