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Tired of Deer Damage? Updates to the Red Tag Program Might Help

Tired of Deer Damage? Updates to the Red Tag Program Might Help

By Heidi Reed

Unfortunately, we haven't found a miracle cure for deer damage to crops just yet. However, updates to The Pennsylvania Game Commission's Agricultural Deer Control (Red Tag) Program could make use of the program slightly easier for landowners.

Changes were announced in April 2022, with the new regulations to start in November 2022.

The main changes are as follows:

Old RuleNew Rule
Hunter may obtain one permit per Red Tag propertyHunter may obtain up to four permits per Red Tag Property
Permits are valid from July 1-September 28, then February 1-May 15, excluding SundaysPermits valid from August 1-September 15, then February 1-April 15, excluding Sundays
Program is closed for summer period May 16-June 30Program is closed for summer period April 16-July 31
Landowner is required to report Red Tag harvestsHunter reports for each permit, regardless of harvest success
Only licensed hunters that are Pennsylvania residents qualify for Red Tag permitsAll licensed hunters qualify for Red Tag permits, including out-of-state hunters
Red snap tags are usedStandard harvest tags issued through HuntFishPA are used
Landowners need to enroll in the Game Commission’s Hunter Access ProgramLandowners do not need to enroll in the Hunter Access program

Permits will be issued for the license year that begins July 1 and goes through June 30.

Hopefully these changes, plus the additional 23,000 doe tags for the 2022-2023 season, will help better manage deer populations and reduce crop damage.

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