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Today is World Mental Health Day

Over the last few years, a real emphasis has been put on the importance of making your mental health a priority and removing the stigma around reaching out for help.

Farming is known to be one of the most dangerous occupations, it involves a lot of stress and factors unique to agriculture like the weather and markets both of which can have a major impact and are totally out of farmers' control.

Learning ways to recognize and release stress is key especially when trying to stay focused when working with large farm equipment or unpredictable livestock.

As a result, we now have multiple mental health organizations to link producers anonymously to mental health support agencies that understand farming and ranching.

The Do More Agriculture Foundation offers a variety of support systems provincially and nationally.

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OYFR Colby & Ashley McClendon 2024

Video: OYFR Colby & Ashley McClendon 2024

Meet Colby and Ashley McClendon!

They grow corn, oats, wheat, sorghum, soybeans and hay. They are the sixth generation to operate the family farm in Collin County.

The couple also raise cattle and sell their beef through their meat market located on their farm.

They’re finalists in our Outstanding Young Farmer & Rancher contest.